Apartment Air

How Safe Is Your Apartment Air

How Safe Is Your Apartment Air The quality of your apartment air can have a direct impact on your health. Apartments can have the same indoor air problems as single-family homes because many of the pollution sources, such as the interior building materials, furnishings and household products, are similar.  In addition, sharing indoor air with [...]
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citronella candles

The Dangers of Citronella Candles and Products

Dangers of Citronella Candles and Products As the summer heats up, backyard enthusiasts are looking for ways to keep the bugs at bay while they enjoy the outdoors. Citronella candles and fueled torches have become a popular way of warding off mosquitoes and other insects. While citronella products are derived from natural oils, there are [...]
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Renovation projects

Keep Your Home Air Safe During Renovation Projects

Keep Your Home Air Safe During Renovation Projects The springtime is the perfect season to plan home renovations. From minor updates such as replacing the vanity in your bathroom to major renovations such as an entire kitchen remodel, it is extremely important to make sure your home air quality isn’t compromised during these projects. make [...]
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Why Does My Furnace Smell?

Why does my furnace smell when I turn it on? As the seasons change, our heating and cooling needs change as well. Each fall, as you turn off your air conditioner and turn on your furnace or heater for the first time, you may notice a strange smell coming from your heating vents. Some of [...]
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